Monday, February 13, 2012


Bad Plant: Red Baneberry
Red baneberries are part of the Anthophyta phylum and are a member of the buttercup family. They are commonly called red baneberries but their scientific name is Actaea rubra. These plants are generally found in cool, moist, nutrient filled soil. A red baneberry plant is deciduous. They fruits are showing and are poisonous,there are usually 4-10 cream colored pedals, and the seeds are a light brown color. All parts of this plant are poisonous, but the roots are the most. If this plant is eaten, it will usually attack the nervous system over time. But shortly after eaten, a person will have burning of the mouth and throat, salvation, severe stomach aches, headaches, diarrhea, dizziness, and hallucinations. Many children in Europe have died from eating the berries of this plant. If the juice from the berries comes in contact with human skin, then it will cause blistering. But oddly, some birds and small animals can eat the berries and not be harmed them. When growing, they grow upward in big clusters. They grow next to white baneberries and are usually grouped together, even though they are different. When the berries are fully grown, they are red, but when they aren't fully grown they can be white or pink. Some people call them "doll's eyes" for obvious reasons, they look like the eyes that are in children's dolls. These plants were used by Native Americans for medicinal purposes until they realized they were harmful, which is how we know to be careful with them now.
Good Plant: Wild Strawbery
Wild starwberries are also a part of the Anthophyta phylum. The name wild strawberry is not the plants original name, they are scientifically called Fragarla vescas. Being a member of the rose family, they are very close to Blackberries and Raspberries.These plants are generally found in moist, fertile, well drained areas in the sun. They are very common plants in Illinois. It is very common for wild strawberries to be grown in someone's backyard. This is because they have bright color which adds to a garden. Also they are very easy to grow and they do not send out runners. The only bad thing about growing them in your garden may be that the bear fruits and must be picked every day. They bloom in early spring and continues through fall. Habitats for many plants are different, this particalar plant likes meadows and woodlands. They are grown in containers, hanging baskets, berry patches, and edging in gardens. Usually, they are about 9 inches tall and spread about 9 inches from the roots. Once fully grown, the leaves are dark green, the flowers have 5 white pedals, and the seeds are dark brown. The flowers of these plants attract many birds and insects. These plants have many different uses which includes medicines to treat liver disease and help diabetes, juices and teas, berries to eat, and cosmetically used to lighten freckles and whiten teeth. These plants are useful and have been dated back to the Stone Age. There has actually been a movie name Wild Strawberries after them which was produced in 1957. Wild strawberries are very common in many places and well known as well.
Works Cited:
"Wild Strawberry Health Benefits of Wild Strawberry." Plants Medical Plants Medicinal Plants Medicinal Herbs. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.
"Wild Strawberry (Fragaria Virginiana)." Illinois Wildflowers. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.
"Facts on Wild Strawberry Plants Which Fruit Tree." Find Fruit Trees for Sale and Buy Fruit Trees Online Web. 13 Feb. 2012.
"Actaea Rubra, Red Baneberry." Rook.Org Home Page. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.
Guides, Step. "Actaea Rubra (Red Baneberry) NPIN." Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The University of Texas at Austin. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.
"Wild Strawberries." Flower Garden Gardening Tips Garden Design and More... Web. 13 Feb. 2012.


  1. Where was the Red Baneberry originally from?

    1. W. Schuster
      I have been searching for a while and I cannot find where they are orginally from.

  2. K. Buell
    It would be helpful for you to add a space between your last paragraph and works cited, or bold the word "works cited".

    1. W. Schuster
      Okay, I'll keep that in mind for nect time.

  3. Where was the Red Baneberry originally from?

    1. W. Schuster
      I have been searching for a while and I cannot find where they are orginally from.

  4. Mrs. Hauck - Why have so many children in Europe become sick/passed away from Red baneberries?

    1. W. Schuster
      Because they look like a common berry and kids just pick them and eat them right there. They are very common in Europe.

  5. If you do eat a red baneberry is there anything that can help you get better?

    1. W. Schuster
      I read that there aren't really medicines that can help it or anything. Some peope are affected differently than others. Drinking a lot of fluids can sometimes flush the disease out of a person system.

  6. N.Covault
    can wild strawberries be grown anywhere?

    1. W. Schuster
      Yes, anywhere that is very moist and fertile. But like I said above, they are most common in Illinois.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. B.Flottman
    what country/ state are wild strawberry common and is the red baneberry found in america

    1. W. Schuster
      Yes they are found in American. As I said above, they are most common in Illinois

  8. J.Fischer
    Did people in Europe not know that the red baneberry plant was poisonous or did they just not care?

    1. W. Schuster
      They did not know. They looked very similar to other berries that they eat, so they just pick them and eat them without knowing.

  9. H. willoughby
    Is the red Baneberry located in ohio?

    1. W. Schuster
      They can be, but it is not very likely.

  10. J. Burton

    Is there a reason Red Baneberry do not effect birds?

    1. W. Schuster
      They don't eat as much as humans, ans their bodies are different. Food moves through their bodies faster than humans.

  11. A. Iker
    Have you ever eaten a wild strawberry?

    1. No, I have not.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. J. Reilman- Have you ever ate a wild strawberry?

  13. A.IDing
    are the wild one sold in stores???

    1. Not in Ohio. But in some stores in Illinois, possibly.

    2. W. Schuster
      Not in Ohio. But in some stores in Illinois, possibly.

  14. A.idING
    Whats the white branberry??

    1. W. Schuster
      A white banerberry is very similar to a red baneberry. They are in the same family of berries. They are just as poisonous as red baneberrues, they are just white.

  15. J.Planck
    Would having wild strawberries in your garden attract any unwanted animals to eat them?

    1. W. Schuster
      No more than any other plant. They are very bright and can be eaten, but an animal may eat any plant you may grow.

  16. T.Murray- how many berries do u think it would take o kill an adult ?

    1. W. Schuster
      I am not sure. I know that children in Europe could die from eating just one, so it's possible that only one could kill an adult.

  17. T.Colwell

    Why do you think the roots are the most poisonous part?

    1. W. Schuster
      Probably because they are how the plant grows. The roots are the begining of everything and the part that gets all the nutrients and stuff from the soil.

    2. W. Schuster
      A runner is a stem that grows along the ground instead of upwards, roots grow down from the runners. Runners are what causes plants to spread over large areas.

  18. D. Torok

    what do you mean by the wild strawberry doesn't send out runners?

    1. W. Schuster
      A runner is a stem that grows along the ground rather than upwards,roots grow down from the runners. Runners are what cause the plant spread over a large area.

  19. T. Atkins

    Where did Red Baneberries come from?

    1. W. Schuster
      I have been searching for a while and I cannot find where they are orginally from.

  20. S Tumbleson
    Why are Wild Strawberries a member of the Rose Family?


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