Monday, February 13, 2012


White snakeroot is in the Anthophyta family. The scientific name is Ageratina altissima. This is my harmful plant. White snakeroot is found in woods of all types and along streams in wooded pastures throughout the Midwest. It persists after woods are cut, and often may be found many years after the land has been cleared, although usually in such areas it occurs only as scattered unthrifty plants. In prairie regions, it is not often found except in the woods bordering streams. An animal may die from eating either a large amount of white snakeroot at one time or small amounts over a long period. The eating of small quantities more or less continuously gives rise to the animal disease known as trembles. It is also the cause of the well-known and much-feared milk sickness of man -- a disease that is contracted from drinking milk or eating milk products from poisoned cows. Milk sickness claimed thousands of lives in the early 1800s, perhaps the most well-known victim being Abraham Lincoln's mother. Nursing calves and lambs may die from their mothers' milk contaminated with snakeroot even though the mother animals show no signs of poisoning. Cattle, horses, and sheep are the animals most often poisoned. Although animals that have fed on white snakeroot may belistless and somewhat inactive at first, the first noticeable manifestations of poisoning are loss of weight and trembling following exercise. Trembling is especially marked in the muzzle and legs. As poisoning progresses, cattle lose appetite, become constipated, lose weight, and gradually become weaker until they are not able to stand. Additional signs may include a peculiar odor to the breath and urine, excessive salivation, and quickened, difficult breathing. Later, complete relaxation without tremors and coma are seen, with deathfollowing in 2-10 day Leaves and stems of white snakeroot plants contain tremetol, which is extremely poisonous. The plant is unpalatable to animals, but they will consume it if other forage is scarce.

Bawang is my helpful plant. Bawang is known as "garlic", it mainly reduces cholesterol in the blood and helps control blood pressure. Bawang or Garlic with scientific name Allium Sativum, is a low herb, which only grows up to sixty centimeters high. Its leaves are flat and linear, with bulbs . This herb is one of the most widely used herbal medicines s and can also be found commonly in the kitchen of households as it is used to spice up food preparations. Its medicinal properties have been known for a long time and have been especially proven during World War II when it was used to treat wounds and infections of soldiers. Garlic’s antibacterial known as allicin, saved many lives of the soldiers as this property prevented the wounds from being infected and developing into gangrene at a later stage by extracting the juice of bawang or garlic and applying to the wounds. Bawang, sometimes spelled as bauang or in English, garlic is known as nature's antibiotic. Its juices inhibit the growth of fungi and viruses thus, prevent viral, yeast, and infections. The preliminary test conducted on this medicinal herb showed some positive results in the treatment of AIDS. Several clinical tests that followed and published studies have shown the efficacy of garlic in lowering cholesterol in the blood and is beneficial to the circulatory system of the body. Today, as more research is done on garlic, more medicinal and therapeutic properties become more evident. As of the present time, lowering of the blood pressure, reduction of platelet aggregation, and the boosting of fibrinolytic activities are among the list of herbal functions of garlic, which is supported by medical findings. Although more clinical studies are needed to support the contention stronger, marked improvements in benign breast diseases have been traced to make progress because of the regular intake of supplements, of which the primary ingredient is garlic. Although controlled trials in terms of anti-cancer activities of garlic have been performed in medical research, it has been proven through population-based studies that substances contain in garlic help in reducing the risk of some types of cancer. Some helpful benefits are Good for the heart, Helps lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL), Aids in lowering blood pressure, Boosts immune system to fight infection, Cough and cold remedy, and relives sore throat.

Mendham, Trevor. "Garlic Health Benefits." Garlic Central. Jan.-Feb. 2003. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.

White Snakeroot (Ageratina Altissima)." Illinois Wildflowers. Ed. John Hilty. Fall 2002. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.

"White Snakeroot Toxic to Animals Veterinary Medicine Library at U of Illinois." University Library at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Summer 2002. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.


  1. J. Reilman- This post was very infomative, I learned that snakeroot is pretty but it is not a good plant, and I also learned Bawang (garlic) helps with the treatment of aids. Is there anything else Bawang helps with?

    1. Like i said in my post above it also Helps lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL), Aids in lowering blood pressure, Boosts immune system to fight infection, Cough and cold remedy, and relives sore throat.


  2. K. Buell
    What is the phylum of your Bewang plant?
    Good medicinal facts, and plenty.

  3. Mrs. Hauck - Where can garlic be found? How much? Do you know anyone you takes garlic? For what purpose?

    1. People can grow garlic themselves. But it is mostly grown in a field and it kind of looks like weeds.Garlic is easy to grow and can be grown year-round in mild climates.

  4. K.Marlow
    Is there a cure for the milk sickness caused by the white snakeroot?

    1. No, there is not any cure for milk sickness. In my research it said they could not find what exactly cause this plant to have toxin in it.

  5. J.Fischer
    How does the white snakeroot stay around so long after the land has been cleared from somewhere?

    1. Why is because this plant only need a little bit of water to survive. It gives itself the nutrients to live.

  6. A. Iker
    how did the white snake root get its name "the white snake root"?

    1. In my research I could not find why they named it white snakeroot. My guess that of course it's white and it grows on the ground. Maybe it reminded them of something evil and a snake was evil. But also they could of named it that because, before they even knew about this, they let their animals eat this plant. When the cows did the toxin spread to the milk that was given out. Sometimes it was also found in meats. Not only did it hurt animals but humans also.

  7. Z.Mullins
    How come this plant only grows in the woods near streams.

    1. Because it needs to live in places that are either damp or just have water in general to survive.

  8. T.Murray- What is platelet aggregation?

    1. It really just means that there are clumps of blood sticking together, which is also known as blood clots.

  9. T.Lee
    What toxin in the white snake root plant causes it to be harmful?

    1. I could not find what kind of toxin is harmful in my research. In short, it's a condition brought on by livestock eating white snakeroot plants, which then creates a toxin that can have dire effects on humans. It can kill a previously healthy adult in as little as three days, or as long as two weeks. Cattle affected by the toxin are known to have the trembles. The toxin can be carried in milk, butter, cheese, or meat.

  10. Z. Carter

    What is trembles?

    1. trembles is when something or someone body starts to shake

  11. P.Kinnair
    what types of cancer does garlic help reduce?

    1. It can reduce stomach, colon, and breast cancer.

  12. S.Sanders
    What symptoms occur in humans from milk sickness?

    1. The symptoms are trembling, vomiting, and severe intestinal pain that affects people who ingest milk or other dairy products.


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